Thursday 26 August 2021

2021-2022 ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான பள்ளிக்கல்வித் துறை மானியக் கோரிக்கை அவையில் சமர்ப்பிதற்கு முன்னதாக மாண்புமிகு தமிழ்நாடு முதலமைச்சர் அவர்களை சந்தித்து வாழ்த்து பெற்றேன்

2021-2022 ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான பள்ளிக்கல்வித் துறை மானியக் கோரிக்கை அவையில் சமர்ப்பிதற்கு முன்னதாக மாண்புமிகு தமிழ்நாடு முதலமைச்சர் அவர்களை சந்தித்து வாழ்த்து பெற்றேன்.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Innoviti launches G.E.N.I.E, India’s first smart marketing app for local mobile retailers to help them revive business impacted by pandemic, in Tamil Nadu

 Leading provider of Intelligent payment solutions, Innoviti, today announced the launch of G.E.N.I.E, India’s first smart marketing app for local mobile dealers in Tamil Nadu. Keeping the interests of mobile dealer community who has been facing the onslaught of online, especially during the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic – G.E.N.I.E is designed to bring online customers back to retail shops.


The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a significant move from offline to online, affecting the businesses of local mobile and consumer durable dealers. Consumers have also been impacted with salary cuts, job losses and need affordable EMI plans to buy productivity tools. With G.E.N.I.E, Innoviti aims to revive sales for merchants & fuel growth by attracting more walk-ins for them, more conversions, and more profits, while helping consumers access affordable EMI plans.

G.E.N.I.E. provides three benefits to local mobile dealers to help them fight this impact:

1) Extra margin of 0.5% to 1% on every sale of branded mobile phones.  This helps them increase profits. 2) Provides them with a G.E.N.I.E EMI Wallet that they can use to provide zero cost EMI on any product to the customer.  This helps them convert more sales increasing sales, and 3) Provides instant G.E.N.I.E discount coupons on 110+ bank credit/debit cards that they can use to attract more customers, increasing walk-ins.

In Feb 2021 using GENIE the local mobile merchants in Bengaluru and Mysuru have increased their average monthly sales by over 23%. The product has already amassed an impressive market share of over 55% of high-value mainline mobile merchants in these markets, which is pegged to significantly increase as the markets open after the Covid 19 lockdowns. Last week, GENIE was launched in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, where 12% of mainline mobile retailers in both states have pre-registered for GENIE terminals until the day of launch.

Over 6% of top mainline mobile retailers from Tamil Nadu have also pre-registered for GENIE terminals and we expect to gain a leading market share in Tamil Nadu markets by September 2021.  Innoviti is committed to rapidly scaling up G.E.N.I.E. across Tamil Nadu and then across India. Our aim is to reach 100,000 local mobile dealers pan-India by Sep 2021.

Ms. Amrita Malik, Co-Founder & CBO - New Business Initiatives, Innoviti Payment Solutions, said, “Local mobile dealers provide the touch, feel and trust to consumers when they are selecting their electronic products.  They educate them, guide them.  However, at the end they lose the consumer to Online just because they don’t have the digital tools required to create and provide better offers.  We have collaborated with banks and brands to empower local mobile dealers in Tamil Nadu with superior offers than available anywhere. 

We believe GENIE will help SMBs revive their fortunes through use of better technology.”

Innoviti processes over US$ 10 Billion payments with over 76% market share in the Enterprise merchant categories.  We now want to bring the benefits of digital technology provided to Enterprises to SMBs, providing them a level playing field for competing better and growing faster and easier than possible otherwise.

Innoviti is backed by marquee investors including Bessemer Venture Partners, USA, FMO, Netherlands and Catamaran, India

Monday 12 April 2021

CapitalVia expands business in southern region


Supporting the Digital India campaign launched by the Government of India by making the country digitally improved in the field of technology,CapitalVia is taking a step in upgrading the Investment Advisory Space by introducingits customer portal “CapitalVia” App.It is designed to enable seamless customer experience by providing real time advice & solving grievance through mobile application.

Gaurav Garg, Head of Research, CapitalVia Global research Limited said-The application will largely help the Tier 1& Tier 2 cities to upgrade themselves on the right investment options and stock market by providing knowledge center and consumption ofrecommendations through one click. The digital portal will act as normalizing the digital investments in the state and build trust amongst the investors.

Gaurav Garg added on expanding in southern region and choose Tamil Nadu for the EquityMarket:

1. 8% Demat: 3rd highest contribution towards total Demat accounts (after Maharashtra 22% & Gujarat which is 11%)

2. Highest Growth : CAGR of around 13% over last 5 years.

3. Per Capita Income: 26% higher than India’s per capita

4. 3rd Richest State : Tamil Nadu is India’s second-largest economy despite being its sixth most populous state and among the country’s 12 largest states. It has the third highest GDP per capita and is the most urbanised state as well as among the most industrialised with a strong manufacturing base and a large services sector.

5. Fastest Growing state: For the third consecutive year, Tamil Nadu registered a higher economic growth rate than the national average. At 8.03 per cent, it was double the all-India average of 4.2 per cent in 2019-20.


6. Penetration: 4% demat holders against India average of 3%


Market Outlook 2021 – Equity

(3 Key Factors in Favor )

1. Global Economic Recovery: Following an unprecedented collapse in the year 2020, global economy is projected to grow at 5.5% in 2021 and 4.5% in 2022 (IMF WEO – Jan 2021).

2. Industrial Improvement: Under industrial indicators major improvements were in engineering exports, diesel demand and goods by air.

3. Improvement in Consumption: Stronger recovery in the economy post relaxation of lockdown. Consumption indicators (electronics, car sales, petrol demand etc.) continued to improve

(3 Key Risk Factors)

1. Challenges in Vaccine Distribution: Risks to global growth estimates emanate from potential challenges in vaccine distribution.

2. New Virus Strain: Emergence of new virus strain and resultant regional lockdowns, among others.

3. Inflationary risks: A sharper than anticipated global recovery could cause inflationary risks if stimulus measures continue well into the recovery. This could in turn make a case for policy tightening and could result in an abrupt correction in risk-asset prices.

Debt Market View

1.       The US 10-Year treasury yield jumped to a year high at 1.60% before cooling off to close the month at 1.41%.

2.       Indian bond yields also witnessed similar trend as the 10-Year Government Bond yield surged by about 32 basis points to end the month at 6.23%.


Commodity View

Crude : Crude oil prices in this year after the OPEC’s (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) top producer, Saudi Arabia decided to cut crude production since February.

Gold : For medium term, we view that Gold have made their bottom, Cool down in the bond yield and weakens in the dollar will support the Gold Price, It can move towards 48600 in first half of the FY21-22.

Base Metal : Due to economic recovery demand for Base Metal increasing and sentiment for all the base metal is positive. All the major government is spending money for Infrastructure will be key driver for the base metal for the FY21-22

Monday 1 February 2021

LifeCell’s pioneering efforts in community cord blood banking wins accolades from IAP

Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) that is committed to health and well-bring of all children today shared its appreciation for LifeCell’s pioneering works in community cord blood banking. With the recent success of India’s first dual cord blood transplant, the medical body acknowledged community cord blood banking as a novel, life-saving measure and also reiterated the need for private organizations timely support in enabling path-breaking treatment modalities that are beneficial to the society.

Sharing his views, Dr. Amar Verma, President Genetics Chapter, Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), said “It was interesting to note the success of double unrelated cord blood cell transplantation in a patient of Aplastic Anemia at Nasik. The successful procedure indeed underlines the need of cord blood banking for future needs. This has reduced the cost of retrieval in India. I hope this draws the attention to the need of a large number. of patients awaiting treatment for conditions like Aplastic Anemia. I wish for this type of endevor in every part of the country.”

Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Mayur Abhaya, MD, LifeCell International, said “We are truly humbled by this recognition from a reputed medical body like IAP. It is encouraging to see the medical fraternity take note of our efforts in pioneering improved treatment options in the country. With this confidence we are looking forward to further strengthen our support to medical practitioners and are confident that our efforts will continue to benefit more and more Indians.”

Community Cord Blood Banking, a unique and innovative stem cell banking initiative that was introduced by LifeCell in 2017, helped save a seven-year-old girl suffering from aplastic anaemia – a rare and serious blood disorder when all other possible treatments failed. A team of senior doctors from LOTUS Institute of Haematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, successfully conducted a double-unit cord blood transplant to save the life of Child from Nashik, Maharashtra.

This transplant was, in particular, challenging because there were no appropriate bone marrow donors and the cost of retrieval of matching units from public cord blood banks would have been quite high. As members of LifeCell Community Bank, the parents placed a matching request for two cord blood units after the child’s sibling was found to be only a 50% (4/8) match. Two high-quality matches (⅞) were found in the registry, which fulfilled the requirement for Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) transplantation.

About LifeCell: Established in 2004, LifeCell is India’s first and largest stem cell bank, enjoying the trust of over 3,50,000+ parents who have banked their children’s stem cells with the company. We are the only player in the industry providing comprehensive stem cell solutions including the novel initiative of community stem cell banking, R&D and point-of-care stem cell therapy for orthopaedic and vascular specialities. Our Diagnostic division offers India’s most comprehensive diagnostic program for mother & baby care, offering preconception, prenatal and newborn testing services aimed at addressing the challenge of high infant mortality rate in the country as well as promoting health and wellness for generations to come

Saturday 23 January 2021

very rare life threatening Heart tumour timely diagnosed and surgically treated :Patient walks home hale and healthy

Venkataeswara Hospitals, proudly announces the timely diagnosis and efficient treatment of a 64 - year old woman, a known patient of Coronary artery disease, Systemic Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus and other multiple co-morbidities.  She was initially admitted with left upper and lower limb numbness and weakness, headache and shortness of breath and on evaluation she was found to have acute stroke - right PCA territory infarct.  On further evaluation ECHO revealed large LA myxoma measuring - 3.8 x 2.7cm attached to IAS (Inter Atrial Septum).  The Cardiothoracic surgeon advised excision of left atrial myxoma.  She was critically ill and treated for severe Urinary tract infection with Septicemia, Anemia, Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Stroke, Hypertension, Uncontrolled Diabetes and she was stabilized with medications and after stabilization, the patient was taken up for  Excision of Myxoma on 05.01.2021.  The post procedure was eventful and now she is able to attend routine daily activities. Atrial myxomas are the primary heart tumors because of non specific symptoms, hence early diagnosis may be a challenge. Annual incidence is about 1 in 20millions individuals.  Left atrial myxoma may not produce characteristic findings on auscultation. Two dimensional echocardiography, is the diagnostic modality of choice.  If undetected and untreated, these patients may land up with sudden cardiac arrest or even sudden death or multiple systemic or cerebral embolism and stroke.  Myxoma accounts for 50% of primary cardiac tumors.  Most patients are sporadic and the exact etiology is not known

No known medical treatment exists for atrial myxoma. Drug therapy is used only for complication such as Stroke, Heart Failure, CHF (Congestive Heart Failure), Cardiac arrhythmias, etc. Operative resection is the treatment of choice for long term prognosis which is excellent.

Thursday 31 December 2020

Pujya Morari Bapu to start Ramkatha from 2nd January at Sethubandh-Dhanushkodi

853rd Ramkatha by Pujya Morari Bapu will start from 2nd January, 2021 at pilgrimage site – Dhanushkodi, Setubandh-Rameshwar with a limited number of pre-invited audiences. Recently Ramkatha has been successfully completed at  Bhagwat Bhumi Shukratal where all Corona related protocols were strictly adhered

Danushkodi is an ancient and famous Hindu pilgrimage place. It is located on the eastern coast of the state of Tamil Nadu, near the southern edge of Rameswaram and near Pamban. The neighboring country Sri Lanka is just 20 kilometers away from this site. Its history is of Ramayana period. It is said that from here Lord Sri Rama started the construction work of the bridge to reach Lanka.

According to religious texts and beliefs, when Lord Shri Ram started returning with Sita after conquering Lanka, the newly appointed Lankapati Vibhishan prayed to Shri Ram that if this bridge built by you remained like this then in future any king from India will attack my Lanka. At the request of Vibhishan, Shriram Ji broke the bridge. This gave the place its name Dhanushkodi.

This nine-day Ram Katha will be shown daily through the Aastha channel and YouTube from 9:30 am. People are requested to take advantage of Ramkatha by staying in your place while following the Corona Guideline issued by the administration

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Levista launches Flavoured Instant Coffee & Supreme variant

  Bangalore based Levista Coffee which turned four this month since its launch, unveiled its four variants of ‘Flavored Coffee’. The four variants include Vanilla, Caramel, Hazelnut and Choco-Orange.  It has further also launched a new variant of Instant Coffee aptly named ‘Supreme’ which has 70% Coffee content and 30% Chicory. The Flavored coffee would be available across Tamil Nadu and Karnataka through select retail stores & nationally through e commerce platforms.

Mr. S. Shriram, Vice President, Levista Coffee said, “We are very excited and delighted to launch our Flavored Coffee finally today after a lot of R&D. We have four flavors for different taste buds and moods – Vanilla, Caramel, Hazelnut and Choco-Orange.” The company believes that the flavored coffee will appeal to the Gen-Z and the Millennials as well as satiate the desires of the younger lot as well as those who are young at heart with exotic preparations and menu options, most of which are home-made and self-styled by discerning coffee lovers. Other than this, the company has also launched “Levista Supreme” which has 70% Coffee along with 30% Chicory content. “We have been keeping our ears to the ground, hearing our consumer feedback constantly after which we decided to launch this variant” said Shriram.

The company already has three variants of Instant Coffee – Classic with 100% Coffee, Premium with 80% Coffee and Strong with 60% Coffee while the Institutional packs have 57% Coffee in them. The variant with 70% coffee is among the most sold in the country and Levista, with its unique taste plans to garner a considerable market share with this. Other than this, the company also offers Filter Coffee in two variants with 80% Coffee as well as 60% Coffee for a strong and rich taste. The coffee is available in distinct packaging including Glass Jar, Pouch packaging and its signature Tin packaging, one if its kind in India.

Levista is currently present across Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Puducherry through a Distribution Network spanning over 600+ Distributors servicing over 42,000 and more general trade stores. In modern retail, Levista is present across India at select stores through Reliance Retail, More Hypermarkets and Supermarkets, Spencers Retail Stores among others as well as at Metro Cash & Carry. The company aims to onboard 1,500 more distributors to reach a tally of 100,000 Point of Sales by the end of FY 2022.

SLN Coffee Pvt. Ltd. had appointed Mr. S. Shriram as Vice President for its flagship brand Levista Coffee in Jan. ‘20. Shriram oversees the complete business for Levista including Sales and Marketing, Branding, Supply Chain Management and overall Business Strategy. Shriram who joined the Retail Industry in 1997 said, “I am extremely happy to have joined Levista early this year and this has been one of the fastest, toughest (due to Covid-19) and perhaps the most satisfying run during my 23 years’ in the Indian Retail Industry, especially from the learnings during my first stint at “RPG Foodworld